The Darkness is creeping in all round... the shadows threaten the light
The Brokenness surrounds me, it's within me, I can barely breathe
I sit, legs folded, on the floor... the light is flickering within
Sirens and helicopters scream warnings throughout the night
Untrusting eyes, fake smiles and worn faces pass me in the streets
The stove top's on fire, the pot is boiling... its contents screaming for release
The earth is tilted, it spins violently through the heavens on an invisible path
A collision is immanent, this can't go on forever... we're spinning out of control
We yearn for the light, but we love the darkness... it is our home
We dream of healing, but continue to break and wound and plunder
We know nothing but this. It is all that surrounds us... it grows from within us
Do we dream in vain? Is the light even real? Take a moment. Look around you...
A child is born in northern Uganda, before he can walk he's held a gun
Another child in similar clothing walks the same footsteps on the streets of LA
Their fates are intertwined, these two young soldiers... manipulated manipulators
The products and perpetrators of hate and ignorance, perpetuating the brokenness
For a dollar, a lawyer feigns ignorance of his client's sin in the name of 'equal rights'
A doctor refuses a patient because the HMO won't support it. The sickness rages on...
A politician jumps on a cause as a platform to launch her career...The career takes off...
The career flies... Flies miles away from the injustice that gave it wings, leaving all as it was
The molested child who can't imagine true love, passes along the brokenness to another generation
An entrepreneur takes a shortcut, a lawmaker takes a bribe. We take and consume and kill...
The policeman's power magnifies his true heart... the celebrity can't escape the madness within
Power, Position and Money show the heart for what it truly is... the brokenness is within
The earth is groaning, water and fire pouring from her heart... she shakes under the weight of it all
What terrors has she witnessed since her conception? Could anyone bear such a weight?
She tries to hold on, waiting for the day of her deliverance... hoping for her redemption
But the light is fading... The brokenness is tearing through her... every moment is a miracle
The Darkness is creeping in all round... the shadows threaten the light
The Brokenness surrounds me, it's within me, I can barely breathe
I sit, legs folded, on the floor... the light is flickering within
I put my hope in my Redeemer. You are our only hope. Save Us...