"Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love." -MLK Jr.

I stumbled across this statistic from one of our major news networks. Notice this is not Iraqi Militia or Terrorists. Civilians.

Deaths in Mideast
(*Click the Picture to view the whole thing)

Total Deaths for Americans in Iraq (at highest estimates today) is 5,000.
Iraqi Civilians around a Half-Million

Here's an up-to-date counter of Total Iraqi National deaths:
Just Foreign Policy Iraqi Death Estimator

This brought to mind another Derek Webb Song:

My Enemies Are Men Like Me

I have come to give you life
And to show you how to live it

I have come to make things right
To heal their ears and show you how to forgive them

Because I would rather die

I would rather die

I would rather die
Than to take your life

How can I kill the ones I’m supposed to love
My enemies are men like me

I will protest the sword if it’s not wielded well
My enemies are men like me

Peace by way of war
Is like purity by way of fornication

It’s like telling someone murder is wrong
And then showing them by way of execution

Because I would rather die

I would rather die
I would rather die
Than to take your life

How can I kill the ones I’m supposed to love

My enemies are men like me
I will protest the sword if it’s not wielded well
My enemies are men like me

When justice is bought and sold just like weapons of war

The ones who always pay are the poorest of the poor

*Doesn't the Gospel compel us to do something about this? God help me, I'm becoming a "Pacifist!" (Although I despise that term). I Just see the reality of true power, present in non-violent resistance. I see it crossing bridges in the face of unjust laws. I see it on a cross, by a man led like a lamb to the slaughter. I see it in the way Christ continually presses toward my heart, lovingly and persistently, persuading me to embrace His love. To me that's not passive at all...it's the most active form of power and love. But if you want a label for me...call me a pacifist. -Vince

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