So I'm planning on doing some heavy reading this year. Here are a few of the books to get me started. If you've read one of these or have others to recommend, please feel free to comment.

Counterfeit Gods - Tim Keller

Total Church - Steve Timmis and Tim Chester

You Can Change - Tim Chester

A Million Miles in a Thousand Years
- Donald Miller

The Forgotten God - Francis Chan

Jesus Without Religion - Rick James ('s his real name)

Knowing God - J I Packer

Refuel - Doug Fields

Divine Conspiracy - Dallas Willard

The Ordinary Hero - Tim Chester

The Knowledge of the Holy - A W Tozer

Paul in a Fresh Perspective - N T Wright

Evil and the Justice of God - N T Wright

The Desert Fathers - Benedicta Ward

The Spirit of the Disciplines - Dallas Willard

Worldliness - C J Mahaney

Humility: True Greatness - C J Mahaney

The Gospel Driven Life - Michael Horton

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