My life has too long been spent searching for my identity.

My identity is not in my ability to communicate or stir up people.
My identity is not in the results that come from my disciple-making efforts.
My identity is not in the smiles and kind words of those around me.
My identity is not in the affirmations and compliments of people I experience.
My identity is not in the approval or disapproval of my family.
My identity is not in my success as a father or husband or friend.
My identity is not in my business savvy or financial portfolio.
My identity is not in my things, possessions, securities or blessings.
My identity is not in the attendance or conversions of our church gatherings.
My identity is not in my ability to rise above sin, or fall prey to it.
My identity is not in my past successes or failures.
My identity will never be in my future accomplishments or blunders.
My identity will never be in any of these things.

My identity is hidden in You and Your life is lived through me.
My identity is reborn through Your sacrifice.
My identity is in the "already-but-not-yet" stages of development, still You choose to see me through the "already" side, because of Christ's amazing love and sacrifice.

My identity is in You.

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