Falling forward is an awkward place to find oneself.
You see what’s before you, and are helpless to control it.
This is the reality of life. This is a perfect picture of faith.
Control is an illusion, created by our imaginings that we are God.
Chaos is the reality of our control. It ends where trust begins.
Our only hope lies in surrender to the Sovereign.
The reality we choose to root our lives in springs upward and sprouts.
The fruit of my perceived control is anxiety, regret, and manipulation.
The fruit of my faith in God-reality is hope, peace, and selflessness.
What does it mean to be a person of faith? To walk by faith? To be faithful?
Does it mean allowing your beliefs to flow outward and affect your life?
Is that possible if your beliefs are misaligned with your lifestyle?
If I say that I trust His sovereignty, and yet anxiety reigns in my life,
Am I truly walking in the faith by which I define myself?
Am I living in the illusion of control, or living in surrender to the Sovereign?
Falling forward is an awkward place to find oneself.
You see what’s before you, and are helpless to control it.
This is the reality of life. This is a perfect picture of faith.
Advice for Reading Romans After Decades of Experience
[image: Advice for Reading Romans After Decades of Experience]
Why does Pastor John believe Romans is the greatest letter ever written?
And how would he en...
22 hours ago
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